In every church there are ministries that struggle to get volunteers. In our church, one of our greatest challenges is getting people to volunteer their time in our Childrens Ministry. So I thought I'd take a look at a few excuses that have gone through my head and that I've heard about serving in Hopeland (our birth-age 5 area).
#10 "I didn't know we needed more volunteers."
It's true that we don't hear the pastor begging from the stage every week for people to volunteer (although he may have to start soon!), but that doesn't mean the need is not there. I looked at the schedule this morning for the weeks ahead and it is SAD. I love my church, but this makes me ashamed of the investment our church family as a whole is making in our children.
#9 "I am not gifted to serve in that area."
Sometimes it is necessary to serve in a secondary ministry in a church if there is great need, regardless of gifting. I am not a "natural" when it comes to kids, but I am capable. Maybe you are too.
#8 "I am too busy!"
If you are already serving in another ministry on Sunday morning...ok, valid excuse. But if not, is it really too much of a sacrifice to give an hour or two of your time once a month? Invest in the ministry of the church...don't just be a consumer.
#7 "The chaos will drive me crazy!"
Maybe so. But consider this...the chaos is mainly due to the fact that we have a shortage of volunteers. Be part of the solution. There is safety in numbers :)
#6 "I need a break from my kids."
I understand. Being a mother is very energy-consuming and we all need a break. But when you are enjoying sitting in service and allowing someone else to care for your childs needs, why not return the favor? Hopeland exists to teach our children about God, but also as a ministry to mothers and families so that they can worship and learn without distraction. Without volunteers, no one will have this luxury.
#5 "I have no one to watch my kids while I'm serving"
If they are old enough, have them help. If not, it won't kill them to spend two services in a row either in Hopeland or XTreme Kids (trust me...I've tried it). Yes, sometimes my boys complain when I tell them daddy is leading worship and mommy is watching babies so they have to stay at church longer. BUT it is also a great learning opportunity for me to show them how we all have to sacrifice and serve if our church is going to function well. Plus, they really learn their lesson well for the day after hearing it twice in a row :)
#4 "I don't know what to teach"
Great news...the lessons and crafts are all planned out in detail. And if that's still too intimidating, you can volunteer in the 0-2 year old room or to do Check-In.
#3 "Children scare me/I don't know what to do"
Ask someone to volunteer with you who is more comfortable with kids and can give you direction. You don't have to do it alone. This Sunday I had 4 in the nursery, two under 1 year and two that were walking. I finally had my 8 year old come in to help me because I just needed more ARMS. No skill was needed...just someone to pay attention to the babies and keep one of the toddlers from throwing hard objects :)
#2 "I don't enjoy spending time with kids"
Sometimes it's just a matter of adjusting your perspective. Remember that this ministry is vital to our church body. The children are our future. And by volunteering you are doing much more than caring for and educating the children. You are blessing the ministry leaders who give TONS of time planning lessons and covering for people who don't show up to serve (I won't even go happens way too often) . You are serving families by allowing them to fully engage in the service. And you are also serving the Lord who has made it clear how precious children are to Him.
#1 "I don't know how to sign up"
Just ask me, or anyone on the staff for that matter, and we would be glad to help you with that!