Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Life, In Spite of Me by Kristen Jane Anderson

This is a story that every teenage girl needs to hear, especially those who struggle with depression and suicidal thoughts. 

When she was 17 years old, Kristen Anderson was overwhelmed by all of life's struggles and spontaneously decided to take her own life by laying down in front of an oncoming train.  God, however, had other plans for her.  Kristen's life was spared but her legs were severed.  In this book Kristen shares her past, the details of that life-changing day, and the hope that she eventually found in Jesus.  It is a short book, sharing the perfect amount of information to get her message across without citing unnecessary details.

Kristen writes in a way that is authentic and easy to relate to.  I could see many teens, and adults too, being able to identify with her feelings.  I liked how at the end of certain chapters Kristen wrote a personal message to her readers, speaking directly to those who are having suicidal thoughts, have been raped, or want to know how to begin a relationship with Jesus.  The gospel is clearly presented as she shares her own journey of faith.

The path has been messy, but God is using Kristen's story and her heart for helping others to make a huge impact.  She has started Reaching You Ministries as a way to help those struggling with depression and suicide.  She desires to share the hope that she has found and encourage others who are hurting.  Click here to read the first chapter!

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from Waterbrook Multnomah Publishers in exchange for an honest review.

The following is Kristen's interview on Oprah.  It alone has saved at least one life.

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