Monday, January 5, 2015

Compassion Without Compromise by Barr & Citlau

Finding the right balance between love and truth can be tricky sometimes.  Compassion Without Compromise uses biblical teaching and personal stories to "help Christians find balanced ways to respond to the issue of homosexuality."  The authors are both pastors and have experience in counseling people struggling with this issue.  One of the authors, Ron, was once living a homosexual lifestyle and has since been transformed.  They have compassion for others with this struggle.  They have also studied the Bible and believe it is fully inspired by God - it's the truth.  It is from their experience of balancing compassion and truth that this book is born.

I have read other books with a similar theme.  One thing I like about this book is that it is short and not bogged down with quotes and studies from other sources.  The text asks questions that are relevant to our society today, and at the very least can ignite some great discussions.  At the end of each chapter there is a Takeaway paragraph that sums up the main idea of the chapter.  I found that to be very helpful.  There is also a list of resources at the back for people who want to research these ideas further.

The author's "hope begins with the message that we all need God's forgiveness and joyfully proclaims that Jesus has made a way".

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from Bethany House in exchange for an honest review.

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