Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Calling Me Higher

Recently I was asked to be on team for the upcoming Emmaus Walk this spring.  I had my usual initial reaction to being asked to spend a weekend away from my family..."Lord, please give me a good reason to say No."  Well, that's what was in my head anyway. But I pleasantly agreed to pray about it.  I checked the calendar for conflicts on meeting dates or the retreat weekend....none.  No kids sporting events.  No reason my husband could not be home to watch them.  No easy out. 

It's not that I dislike Emmaus, quite the opposite in fact.  The ministry that happens on these weekends is amazing.  I just prefer that someone else do it!  I'm not that great at connecting with women and I don't like getting up in front of a group to speak (which would be required in my role). The easy road then is to not go.  But as I prayed, I realized that while I may not feel like making the commitment, I would be forfeiting an opportunity for God to use me.

Soon after I accepted, I came across this song that confirmed I had made the right decision.  It describes how it's easier and safer to stay where we are, but how God calls us higher.  He has something greater waiting ahead.

The past few days I've been working on my talk. There is a basic outline to follow, but I get to fill it out and add in my insight and experiences.  I love this part...creating something relevant and personal.  Now that I'm this far, I can start to see that maybe I do have something worth sharing.  Maybe my words can make a difference for one of the women there.  My earlier dread is being replaced with excitement.  I'm so glad I said "yes".

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